Tuesday, January 1, 2013

SoyLove IOM801A Soy Milk Maker

So what is a Soy Milk Maker?

The Soy Milk Maker, made in South Korea, is a one touch operation which will grind, filter, and brew a delicious SoyMilk from both dry and soaked soybeans so there is no need to leave it soaked overnight. The SoyMilk maker will make about 57 ounces (1.7L) of Almond, Rice, and SoyMilk in about 25 minutes. Its Stainless construction allows it to be durable, pure, and long lasting. The SoyMilk Maker includes steel blades, heater, permanent filter barrel and internal cooking pot. The SoyMilk Maker has a microchip which controls the cooking and grinding process and produces a nutritious SoyMilk eliminating the "beany" taste.

So why consider the Soy Milk Maker?

SoyMilk is a good substitute to those who are lactose-intolerant. Studies show that SoyMilk is an excellent part of a cancer - preventive diet. The soybeans that are used to make SoyMilk, are very high in protein, vitamins, iron, AND contains five known classes of anti-cancer agents. SoyMilk is not only rich in nutrients but also rich in taste. The SoyMilk Maker will only take 28 minutes to grind and brew the soybeans which will make about 5 Cups of Fresh, Fat-Free, Pasteurized SoyMilk. That's cheaper than buying SoyMilk at the store. The SoyMilk Maker is a Stainless-Steel Pitcher making it a dishwasher safe, however the Stainless-Steel Grinding Blades and the Mesh Filter should be hand washed. With the leftover ground soybeans they can be used in various dishes such as soups and dressings. For best results, use organic soybeans, either canned or dehydrated.

So where do I get the Soy Milk Maker and who do I contact?

Telephone number: 714 - 770 - 7657
Email: youngsl17@yahoo.com
Shipping: We ship everywhere.
Price: $260.00

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